All screen shots shown on this blog are from the game Skyrim (Elder Scrolls V)... BETHESDA Game Studios... and were captured by me.

Monday, January 30, 2012


Finally we bought a house together... Breezehome in Whiterun.  Much more spacious and better built than Ysolda's old home.  She can now run a shop in our new home and I have an alchemy lab as well.  It is only a very short distance to a smithy too.  The security of storing our belongings is a major plus.  Now I can leave behind everything that is not essential for particular quests and will not feel weighed down.   We have decided to change the name of our home to Chayely...unofficially of course... it will always be Breezehome to those in Whiterun.  Chayely is pronounced... Shay-Lee.

Ysolda and I in Chayely (our new home)

Sunday, January 29, 2012

planting a tree...

One of my most pleasant and rewarding quests was a trip to the Eldergleam Sanctuary to find the means to revive the Gildergreen/Goldergreen tree in Whiterun.  I have always been in awe of the glorious nature around us and of the true Creator's touch. 

Upon seeing the plight of this wonderful tree I set out to discover its story.  This quest first took me to a place inhabited by a coven of witches and a rather powerful Hagraven atop Orphan Rock to obtain the evil looking blade... Nettlebane.  Danica, of the Temple of Kynareth, related to me that I needed this blade as the only way to approach the parent tree (the Eldergleam)... its sap being required to revive the tree in Whiterun.  I had a very hard time imaging myself sticking any tree with this foul blade, for whatever reason. 

Upon arriving at the sanctuary, I was immediately enchanted with the serenity and beauty of this fantastic paradise and the grandeur of the magnificent Eldergleam.  How could I perform such an injustice to this regal looking tree?  Thankfully, after a few tentative swipes at the Eldergleam's roots, Mauice Jondrelle, a pilgrim accompanying me on the trip, suggested another possibility. 

Not wishing to further harm the tree, I listened.  Mauice prayed in front of the tree.  In answer to his heartfelt prayer the Creator provided us with a sapling. 

I returned to Danica with the sapling, and when she finally agreed to it, the sapling was planted to replace the original tree in Whiterun.  It now grows and blooms... a presence of future glory.

The sapling of the Eldergleam

Thursday, January 26, 2012

River of greatness...

While wandering (not sure where I was), I came across this scene and was instantly reminded of the quote...

If we study the lives
of great men and women
carefully and unemotionally
we find that, invariably,
greatness was developed,
tested and revealed through
the darker periods of their lives.
One of the largest tributaries
is always the STREAM OF ADVERSITY.”
- Cavett Robert


Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Dragon above...

While wandering the foothills of a Skyrim mountain I captured the image below.  It was snowing heavily and darkness was upon us.  The dragon was speaking while he circled above but never landed or attacked.  Putting my weapons away, I concentrated on a good image of it in the night sky.  Such magnificent creatures... it saddens me that they are so evil...  perhaps in another time and place...

circling dragon at night

Sunday, January 22, 2012


This is a capture of the deathblow to dragon number five...

the deathblow

another dragon down...

I killed this dragon (number five) on the outskirts of Whiterun... after recently switching to twin (exquisite) scimitars. 

still wearing my mage robes no less... lucky I was

Friday, January 20, 2012


Some refer to me as the Dragonborn... not completely sure what all that means?  I climbed the 7,000 steps in bitter cold, barely escaping a frost troll, to talk to the monks at High Hrothgar.  These "Greybeards", I hoped, would shed more light on the meaning of this and the "power of the voice".  Gaining some knowledge and participating in training techniques was helpful but there is still more I question.  Words of power, dragon slaying, keeping evil at bay, savior of men... where is this all heading?  I never wanted any of this...

High Hrothgar at night

Thursday, January 19, 2012

sad news...

Not too long ago,  I was made Thane to the Hold of Whiterun.  This honor was bestowed upon me because I eliminated a dragon that was harassing the city of Whiterun.  One of the perks for such a position was my own bodyguard (Housecarl)... Lydia. 

Lydia was very aggressive, immediately attacking anything that was a threat to me and only remaining by my side (or behind me) when I specifically told her to "wait here".   I really should have been more careful, but on an adventure into an abandoned mine, she pushed her way ahead of me to fight someone I had already engaged in combat.  One massive power attack (from me) to her back ended her life.  Filled with shame and guilt, I very slowly made my way back to Whiterun (some of the slow moving could have been partially due to lugging all that extra gear and booty Lydia had been carrying).

I believe it may be best never to have another follower.. putting only myself at risk.  At the very least I will re-think what follower to have along with me... perhaps one who excels with ranged weapons may be a better alternative... while I handle any melee.  Or simply, when necessary, rely on conjured creatures/weapons and/or other spells.  Perhaps a pack-mule, to help carry everything, would be a better choice... leaving them outside (tight fitting places) and exploring on my own.

Lydia following me through some very cold water.
(She never complained... she needed a bath anyway.)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Resting at home...

It's been a long rough day... (be it ever so humble)


Taken up blacksmithing and my skill is improving.  Can now work in steel as well as iron and soon will be making Dwarven armor and weapons.  Would like to improve my enchantments.  This will provide additional income and allow me to make my own armaments as well as jewelery.  Maybe surprise Ysolda with a nice ornate necklace.

Archery has always been a favorite... useful in many situations.  Someday I hope to be a master archer.

Was recently at the college in Winterhold and increased some skills in magic.  They should all come in handy. 

An additional skill, most likely from another life, is my ability to capture and project images formed in my mind.  You have been seeing a few of these already.  This skill is very useful as it forces me to be more observant and sensitive to my surroundings... not just the main subject but what surrounds the subject and those features in the foreground as well as the background.  I call this ability culling or better yet... cropping.  Fun to do on long trips and the scenery here is spectacular.

I have included a capture of Ysolda's humble abode.  Not very well built and in need of many repairs (don't look at me... I am a klutz at home repairs).  But the location is nice... up against the outer wall in Whiterun with a backdrop of the mountains.  Like I said, we must find something better built and more secure... a little more room wouldn't hurt either.

Ysolda's humble abode in Whiterun

Just a bit about myself...

I am married to Ysolda, a young merchant girl with high ambitions.  She appears to be tolerant of other races/people ... even accepting the friendship of the "cat people" and dealing with them frequently.  This loving and caring nature is a good thing... as I am not the easiest person to live with. 

Admittedly, our marriage was, initially, a matter of convenience... she needing someone to call her husband and protector in these unsettled times and I needing a share of the gold she makes in her business.  I intended to put the gold aside until we had enough to buy a house of our own (we now live at her place in Whiterun).  However the gold is always needed to enhance my skills and armament.  I justify this as an investment for future successful, more profitable explorations.  Honestly though, the need for a more secure home in which to store our belongings is paramount. 

Ysolda is becoming more fond of me.. and I of her... our bonding mutually agreeable and even desirable... beyond the level of conveniently comfortable.  As you can see, the words I want to say do not come easily to me.  I will let my actions speak louder than any words I can express.

Ysolda in the market place, Whiterun

Monday, January 16, 2012


I am a Redguard, or so I've been told.  Personally, I think I look more like a Nord.  As a Redguard, I presumably possess an innate ability in wielding one-handed weapons and a resistance to poison.  None of that really matters for I believe everyone is master of their own destiny and can achieve success at whatever... through persistence and perseverance. 

Except for my name, Elyod Yrral, I remember little before I found myself a prisoner on a cart bound for the headman's axe.  The irony of the situation was that in addition to knowing not why I was there, my captors seemed not to know either.  Escaping at the last minute, due to the appearance of a "dragon" (of all things) I followed a fellow prisoner to the village of Riverwood.   Refusing to get entangled in a civil war I knew nothing about, it was there that my journey and new life began.