All screen shots shown on this blog are from the game Skyrim (Elder Scrolls V)... BETHESDA Game Studios... and were captured by me.

Monday, January 16, 2012


I am a Redguard, or so I've been told.  Personally, I think I look more like a Nord.  As a Redguard, I presumably possess an innate ability in wielding one-handed weapons and a resistance to poison.  None of that really matters for I believe everyone is master of their own destiny and can achieve success at whatever... through persistence and perseverance. 

Except for my name, Elyod Yrral, I remember little before I found myself a prisoner on a cart bound for the headman's axe.  The irony of the situation was that in addition to knowing not why I was there, my captors seemed not to know either.  Escaping at the last minute, due to the appearance of a "dragon" (of all things) I followed a fellow prisoner to the village of Riverwood.   Refusing to get entangled in a civil war I knew nothing about, it was there that my journey and new life began.

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