All screen shots shown on this blog are from the game Skyrim (Elder Scrolls V)... BETHESDA Game Studios... and were captured by me.

Monday, January 30, 2012


Finally we bought a house together... Breezehome in Whiterun.  Much more spacious and better built than Ysolda's old home.  She can now run a shop in our new home and I have an alchemy lab as well.  It is only a very short distance to a smithy too.  The security of storing our belongings is a major plus.  Now I can leave behind everything that is not essential for particular quests and will not feel weighed down.   We have decided to change the name of our home to Chayely...unofficially of course... it will always be Breezehome to those in Whiterun.  Chayely is pronounced... Shay-Lee.

Ysolda and I in Chayely (our new home)

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